The PFTC seminar series is aimed at all PFTC alumni, and anyone else interested. This is a place where (former) PFTC students can share about their current work and at the same time stay connected to our ever growing network.
We aim to meet on the first Thursday of the month via zoom. Each seminar takes approx. 45 minutes, leaving 15 minutes for questions. If you are interested in giving a seminar, or would like to join one of our seminars, please get in contact using the contact form.
Upcoming Seminars:
- March 2nd 2023
Julia Kempinnen: "Plant functional traits of arctic, alpine and sub-antarctic ecosystems"
- April 13th 2023
Alyssa Kullberg (title TBD)
Past Seminars:
February 2nd 2023 - Nicola Kuhn: “Belowground traits to cope with climate change"
January 12 2023 - Matiss Castorena: “Toward a general theory of plant carbon economics”
November 3rd 2022 - Marcus Spiegel: "Reindeer eat doughnuts? Spatially continuous detection of vegetation responses to herbivory with structure-from-motion photogrammetry"
March 3rd 2022 - Josef Garen: “Temperature response of photosynthesis: resolving errors, improving methods, and scaling up”
Jan 6th 2022 - Sean Michaletz: "Global kinetic synchrony of photosynthesis and respiration"