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Julia Kemppinen, Pekka Niittynen, Peter C. le Roux, Mia Momberg, Konsta Happonen, Juha Aalto, Helena Rautakoski, Brian J. Enquist, Vigdis Vandvik, Aud H. Halbritter, Brian Maitner & Miska Luoto (2021). Consistent trait–environment relationships within and across tundra plant communities. Nat Ecol Evol.
Gallagher RV, Falster DS, Maitner B, Salguero-Gómez R, Vandvik V, Pearse WD, Schneider FD, Kattge J, Alroy J, Ankenbrand M, Andrew SC, Balk M, Bland L, Boyle B, Bravo C, Brennan I, Carthey AJR, Cavazos B, Chown SL, Fadrique B, Feng X, Gibb H, Halbritter AH, Hammock J, Hogan JA, Holewa H, Hope M, Iversen CM, Jochum M, Kearney M, Keller A, Mabee P, Madin J, Manning P, McCormack L, Michaletz ST, Park DS, Penone C, Perez T, Pineda-Munoz S, Poelen J, Ray CA, Rossetto M, Sauquet H, Sparrow B, Spasojevic MJ, Telford RJ, Tobias JA, Violle C, Walls R, Weiss KCB, Westoby M, Wright IJ, Enquist BJ. (2020) Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4: 294-303.
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Gallagher RV, Falster DS, Maitner B, Salguero-Gómez R, Vandvik V, Pearse WD, Schneider FD, Kattge J, Alroy J, Ankenbrand M, Andrew SC, Balk M, Bland L, Boyle B, Bravo C, Brennan I, Carthey AJR, Cavazos B, Chown SL, Fadrique B, Feng X, Gibb H, Halbritter AH, Hammock J, Hogan JA, Holewa H, Hope M, Iversen CM, Jochum M, Kearney M, Keller A, Mabee P, Madin J, Manning P, McCormack L, Michaletz ST, Park DS, Penone C, Perez T, Pineda-Munoz S, Poelen J, Ray CA, Rossetto M, Sauquet H, Sparrow B, Spasojevic MJ, Telford RJ, Tobias JA, Violle C, Walls R, Weiss KCB, Westoby M, Wright IJ & Enquist BJ. 2020. Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4: 294-303.
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