PFTC publications

PFTC Scientific publications and Conference presentations


Halbritter AH, Vandvik V, Cotner SH, Farfan-Rios W, Maitner BS, Michaletz ST, Oliveras Menor I, Telford RJ, Ccahuana A, Cruz R, Sallo Bravo J, Santos Andrade PE, Vilca Bustamante LL, Castorena M, Chacón Labella J, Christiansen CT, Duran SM, Egelkraut DD, Gya R, Haugum SV, Seltzer L, Silman MR, Strydom T, Spiegel MP, Barros A, Birkeli K, Boakye M, Chiappero F, Chmurzynski A, Garen J, Gaudard J, Gauthier T-LJ, Geange SR, Gonzales FN, Henn JJ, Hošková K, Isaksen A, Jessup LH, Johnson W, Kusch E, Lepley K, Lift M, Martyn T, Muñoz Mazon M, Middleton SL, Quinteros Casaverde NL, Navarro J, Zepeda V, Ocampo-Zuleta K, Palomino Cardenas AC, Pastor Ploskonka S, Pierfederici ME, Pinelli V, Rickenback J, Roos R, Rui HS, Sanchez Diaz E, Sánchez-Tapia A, Smith A, Urquiaga Flores EG, von Oppen J, and Enquist BJ. 2024. Plant trait and vegetation data along a 1314 m elevation gradient with fire history in Puna grasslands, Perú. Scientific Data 11: 225.

Chacón Labella J, Hinojo-Hinojo C, Bohner T, Castorena M, Violle C, Vandvik V, & Enquist BJ. 2023How to improve scaling from traits to ecosystem processesTrends in Ecology and Evolution 38: 228-237.

Maitner BS, Halbritter AH, Telford RJ, Strydom T, Chacón LabellaJ, Lamanna C, Sloat LL, Kerkhoff AJ, Messier J, Rasmussen N, Pomati F, Merz E, Vandvik V, & Enquist BJ. 2023. Bootstrapping outperforms community-weighted approaches for estimating the shapes of phenotypic distributionsMethods in Ecology & Evolution 14: 2592–2610.

Vandvik V, Halbritter AH, Althuizen IHJ, Christiansen CT, Henn JJ, Jónsdóttir IS, Klanderud K, Macias-Fauria M, Malhi Y, Maitner BS, Michaletz S, Roos RE, Telford RJ, Bass P, Björnsdóttir K, Bustamante LLV, Chmurzynski A, Chen S, Haugum SV, Kemppinen J, Lepley K, Li Y, Linabury M, Matos IS, Neto-Bradley BM, Ng M, Niittynen P, Östman S, Pánková K, Roth N, Salaks MC, Spiegel M, Thomson E, Vågenes AS, & Enquist BJ. 2023. Plant traits and associated data from a warming experiment, a seabird colony, and along elevation in SvalbardScientific Data 10: 578 (21 pp).

Jónsdóttir IS, Halbritter AH, Christiansen CT, Althuizen IHJ, Björnsdóttir K, Henn JJ, Haugum SV, Maitner BS, Malhi Y, Michaletz SM, Roos RE, Klanderud K, Lee H, Enquist BJ, Vandvik V.  Intraspecific trait variability is a key feature underlying high Arctic plant community resilience to climate warming. Ecological Monograps 2022;e1555. 1-21.

Thomson ER, Spiegel M, Althuizen IHJ, Bass P, Chen S, Chmurzynski A, Halbritter AH, Henn JJ, Klanderud K, Li Y, Maitner BS, Michaletz ST, Niittynen P, Roos RE, Telford RJ, Enquist BJ, Vandvik V, Macias-Fauria M, Malhi Y. 2021. Multiscale mapping of plant functional groups and plant traits in the High Arctic using field spectroscopy, UAV imagery and Sentinel-2A data. Environmental Research Letters 16 055006: 1-20.

Julia Chacón-Labella, Mickey Boakye, Brian J. Enquist, William Farfan-Rios, Ragnhild Gya, Aud H. Halbritter, Sara L. Middleton, Jonathan von Oppen,  Samuel Pastor-Ploskonka, Tanya Strydom, Vigdis Vandvik, Sonya R. Geange, 2020. From a crisis to an opportunity: Eight insights for doing science in the COVID-19 era and beyond. Ecology and Evolution. 2020;00:1–9. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7026

Sonya R. Geange, Jonathan von Oppen, Tanya Strydom, Mickey Boakye, Tasha-Leigh J. Gauthier, Ragnhild Gya, Aud H. Halbritter, Laura H. Jessup, Sara L. Middleton, Jocelyn Navarro, Maria Elisa Pierfederici, Julia Chacón-Labella, Sehoya Cotner, William Farfan-Rios, Brian S. Maitner, Sean T. Michaletz, Richard J. Telford, Brian J. Enquist, Vigdis Vandvik, 2020. Next-generation field courses: Integrating Open Science and online learning. Ecology and Evolution. 2020;00:1–11. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7009

Vandvik, V., Halbritter, A.H., Yang, Y., He, H., Zhang, L., Brummer, A.B., Klanderud, K., Maitner, B.S., Michaletz, S.T., Sun, X. and Telford,  R.J., 2020. Plant traits and vegetation data from climate warming experiments along an 1100 m elevation gradient in Gongga Mountains, China. Scientific Data, 7(1), pp.1-15.

Patrick L, Thompson S, Halbritter AH, Enquist BJ, Vandvik V, Cotner S. 2020. Adding value to a field-based course with a science communication module on local perceptions of climate change. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America:e01680.

Henn JJ, Enquist BJ, Halbritter AH, Klanderud K, Maitner BS, Patterson L, Pöstch C, Telford RJ, Yang Y, Vandvik V. 2018. Intraspecific trait variation and phenotypic plasticity mediate alpine plant species. Frontiers - Topics in Plant Science 9: 1548.


Vigdis Vandvik, International Humboldt Day, 17. september 2020, International Biogeographic Society. Going high: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning along some of the world’s most striking altitudinal gradients OR how a plant functional traits course travelled three continents and counting.

Aud H. Halbritter, Brian Enquist, Kari Klanderud, Brian Maitner, Sean Michaeletz, Lorah Patterson, Richard J. Telford, Yan Yang,
PFTC participants and Vigdis Vandvik. OIKOS conference March 2020. Community assemblage and functional diversity across elevational gradients from the tropics to the arctic.

[International Humboldt Day] Going high: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning along some of the world’s most striking altitudinal gradients OR how a plant functional traits course traveled three continents, and counting